Successful Completion of 3rd Generation Drakoo Wave Energy Converter Sea Trial in Shengsi
Hann-Ocean Energy announced on July 8, 2024, the successful completion of its wave energy converter project on Shengsi Island, Zhejiang Province, following an extensive two-and-a-half-year sea trial demonstrating remarkable efficiency and resilience in real-world conditions.
Hann-Ocean Technology signed a deal to design and construct a 1,200-ton modular floating jetty on Lindeman Island in Australia
On April 12, 2024, Hann-Ocean Technology signed a contract with Walden International Commerce from Singapore to design and construct a 1,200-ton floating modular jetty for an ecological resort on Lindeman Island in Australia. The jetty is built to withstand once-in-a-century supercyclones. It incorporates several of Hann-Ocean's patented technologies, is manufactured in China in modular form, and is installed on-site in Australia to minimise environmental impact.
Hann-Ocean Helped Its Australian Client Successfully Complete the On-water Assembly of Their 120T Ro-Ro Support Barge
On December 23, 2023, Hann-Ocean successfully completed the on-site technical support work for the on-water final assembly of the newly delivered mining vehicle Ro-Ro barge in Laos, once again proving their professionalism and efficient execution.
Hann-Ocean Technology Successfully Delivers 17 Floating Modules to Its Australian Client
On 24 November 2023, after 6 months, Hann-Ocean Technology successfully delivered 17 units of 40' containerized floating modules for its Australian client. These pontoons will be assembled into a modular ro-ro ferry for transporting mining equipment as well as vehicles.
RigiFloat Floating Platform Successfully Completes On-Water Assembly Test
On 12 November 2023, Hann-Ocean Technology successfully completed the on-water assembly test of the RigiFloat floating platform in the presence of the client. The floating platform consists of 17 modules with an area of 508 square meters and will be used to transport mining equipment and vehicles. After careful deployment in advance, the whole assembly took only 5.5 hours, setting a new record.
Drakoo Successfully Passed the Typhoon Test
At about 10 pm on 2 August 2023, the sixth super typhoon Khanun made a strong landfall in Shengsi, setting off violent winds on the whole island, with the maximum wave height of 6 meters. However, under this severe weather, Drakoo wave energy generator developed by Hann-Ocean Energy demonstrated its strong wind resistance and stood tenaciously at the Fisherman's Wharf in Wulong Township, successfully passing the severe typhoon test.